Friday, December 14, 2012

The End of an Era

Finals are over, thank the lord, but with that wonderful sense of relief comes the crushing realization that I have to go back to California soon. As excited as I am to see my family, friends, and even my dogs, I still am going to miss Rome. I feel that this experience has changed me so much. A year or two ago I wasn't in the best of places, but this adventure has restored my passion for my studies, art, being social, and even helped me regain my joie de vivre. I am so much more confident about myself. I know that I can throw myself into crazy situations where I don't speak the language or know a soul and I can create a life for myself here. If I can do this, what can't I do? 
I've given up on planning my life down to the moment and trying to foresee the next 5, 10, 50 years. All I want to be sure that I am in life is happy. I want to wake up most days and get excited for the coming adventures. Because if we live our lives in a monotonous manner that makes us so bored or frustrated that we might one day either explode or just disintegrate into the wind then that is not living. I don't know exactly what I'm doing after I graduate in June, but I do know it will be an amazing adventure!

Last night we had our farewell dinner with our professors and ACCENT staff members in a really neat underground lounge. Everyone in the program came dressed up and rather sentimental. It's amazing how many fantastic people I've met on this program. We sort of clung together throughout the craziness and chaos of moving to Rome alone. I know that I made some friends that I will have forever. I even have a bunch of new friends who go to UCSC with me, so when I get back home I can still have Italian conversations with my friends. 

Jessica, Corynne, and Danielle

UCSC babes: Wendy and Brianna

Bailey and I: 1/4 of the Italian Breakfast Club

Miguel and Corynne

Sarah, Corynne, and Danielle
Me and Val
All of the students signed this 'card' for the ACCENT staff
Me and Francesco, my favorite member of the ACCENT staff team

 As of now half of my flat has moved out leaving the place looking sad and empty. Even I am completely packed up. There have been tears all day and night from the various departures, but I am proud to say that I haven't cried yet, sadly I know it's coming. 

One of the things that is keeping my spirits up is the excitement of my mom and sister getting here tomorrow morning! I seriously cannot wait! I get to delay saying goodbye to Roma for about a week. It will never be enough time.

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